Zionism - (as defined by Wikipedia.org) is a political movement and ideology that supports a homeland for the Jewish People in the Land of Israel.
During and shortly after World War II and the Holocaust, most of the Jewish people (the ones who were able to evade the camps) left Europe. A lot of them left for America; however some came to Palestine (a British Mandate at the time.) These Jewish settlers, for the most part, had the intent on creating a Jewish homeland in the holly lands around Jerusalem. They became known as Zionist (a term which had been in common use since the mid-nineteenth century when the idea of creating a Jewish homeland first came about.)
The British Empire had no intention of letting the Jews settle in Palestine and tried to force those who had come to the territory to leave. As a result, the Jewish people began to fight back using, what some would call, terrorist tactics. However to other Zionist, they were freedom fighters.
Finally, after a lot of lives were lost, because of the “Arab-Jewish conflict,” the United Kingdom gave up the mandate and passed the responsibility of overseeing Palestine to the United Nations.
In 1947, The United Nations General Assembly created and passed the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine which created three states out of the British Mandate: Palestine, Jordan, and Israel. The plan was celebrated by Jewish leaders; however it was rejected by many Arab leaders. This of course led to several wars (which Israel won.) Palestinian, Syrian, and Egyptian land was annexed by Israel and then later much of it was given back.
Tensions still continue and everyday Palestinian terrorist/freedom fighter organizations and Israel’s Defense Forces come head to head. This holy land has become one of the most dangerous places to live and everyone says they want peace, but on their terms.
Zionist claim that the land belongs to the Jews, because they have no where else and it was their home before they were kicked out by the Romans, in the second century. Anti-Zionist say that the land belongs to the Palestinians, because they had already made the area their home before the Jews started coming in the 1940’s. The area around Jerusalem is also considered holly to the Muslims.
So what do you think? Does the land belong to the Jews, the Palestinians, or should they be sharing it?
In response to the question on Zionism:
Based on some of my religous beliefs that I have I believe that the land belongs to the Jewish race. The jews were given that land as the promised land, before they were kicked out by the romans. Archaeolgists have proved through many digs, that obviously was the old promised or holy land. I think this issue will only be resolved eventually through war, even though that it is a sad option. Their is way to much hatred on both sides for the opposing force to just allow the other one to have the full land. In fact if it wasn't for the United States, Isreal would most likely have already been invaded by one of the surrounding countries. I think eventually Israel will be given its full land whether or not if it is through a peace treaty or war, and I feel that it is rightfully theirs.
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